May 10, 2010

I actually like Rush Limbaugh, dont judge.

I have a problem. I go on shopping binges. "Shopping Therapy" sounds nicer then "binging", but its become the way I deal with things. It sounds funny, and I admit that I laugh it off most of the time. Until I calculate my recipts...


Summer book list:
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis,
Life of the Beloved by Henri Nouwen,
You Are What You Eat by Dr. Gillian McKeith (this book is going to change my life!)

any more suggestions?


Kate said...

well let's see.

Life of Pi will get you in the summer mood. It's all about a little boy trapped on a raft in the ocean with a tiger.

I'm also about to read "Him her him again the end of him" I forgot what it's about but I hope it's witty.

and I actually like Rush too! I used to listen to him with my mom on the way to school.

Anonymous said...

Crazy Love and Forgotten God both are great