There's a saying that goes,
"Be kind
for everyone
you meet is
fighting a hard battle".
Despite the fact that I've seen that quote way over pinned on Pinterest, there is truth to it isn't there?
Sometimes its hard to be kind or to love others well, because it takes forgetting yourself and focusing on others.
Another 'this is reality' moment; Life is not about me.
What breaks that selfish cycle is the raw encounter with a person who loves genuinely and well.
And what is becoming so incredibly clear to me, is the reality of broken people who are fighting battles in a broken world. Even as I type this I get a rushing sensation to exclude myself from these "broken people" who are "fighting battles" and live in a "broken world".
Why is that?
Why is that?
I'm not broken. My life is put together. Everything under control over here. Those poor other people...
No, I am broken just like you. We share our humanity with one another and we are united in the truth of the fall; Not one of us escaped the repercussions of sin. Therefore, we live as broken individuals in a dysfunctional world. This is what makes Calvary so sweet and the hope in Jesus so real.
And sometimes it's the raw (and rare) encounters of genuine love from others that comforts me in my brokenness. Gives me hope in fighting my battles and reminds me that I'm not alone in this broken world.
You never know the blessing, hope and courage you can give to another fellow broken person, by simply forgetting yourself for a moment and being kind.
Romans 12:9
Let ahavah (agape) be without tzevi’ut (hypocrisy). Hate what is haRah (evil/dysfunctional), be devoted to what is tov(good/functional).Romans 12:9
In other words....
Let your love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good.
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