April 22, 2013


Leaving college has altered my perspective
on life, love, God and myself.

I moved away from the community I 
couldn't bear to leave,
and found that my relationship with God
has become the most authentic
than it's ever been.

I'm no longer insecure in my relationship with Him.
I feel a pulse beating strong;
He is mine
and I am His.

When feelings of failure, 
fear of disappointment,
and the acknowledgment of own depravity mock me, 
I no longer feel the need to put myself in time-out for God.

I don't feel the need to tell God how useless or imprefect I am. 
To spend time feeling weighted by guilt
because although I love Him,
I haven't spent time with Him daily. 

I don't need to carry that weight. 
Because unlike human relationships,
I am friends with One who relates

He knows, and I know
that my depravity, sin and dependence in Him
will never thwart His faithfulness

I feel confident 
that He's not going anywhere
and my love for Him
is not something that's going to fade overnight.

This is real. 

Time spent being known 
and knowing Him is precious.
A value and desire that 
I know will be here for as long as I am His. 

Nothing can separate us. 
I will always come back to Him
He will never leave me or forsake me. 

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