April 12, 2011

This season: Owning the truth of my identity and learning how to walk in it.

"Peter had to leave the ship and risk his life on the sea in order to learn both his own weakness and the almighty power of his Lord. If Peter had not taken the risk, he would never have learnt the meaning of faith. Before he can believe, the utterly impossible and ethically irresponsible situation on the waves of the sea must be displayed. The road to faith passes through obedience to the call of Jesus. Unless a definite step is demanded, the call vanishes into thin air, and if man imagines that they can follow Jesus without taking this step they are deluding themselves like fanatics."--D. Bonhoeffer

I was sitting in church on Sunday and couldn't focus on the sermon, so I prayed through all that was weighing on my mind. I told the Lord that I had to have clarity. I think sometimes I forget that my God actually listens to me. Yesterday, I reached a pivotal place of clarity. Since entering Sophomore year, the Lord has started to tear away what I had built all around me. This semester, it's become clear through every relationship and conversation that the question posed is, "Who am I?" God has used situation and person after person to show me, who I am. Not who I think I am, or who they think I am, but who I am in and through Christ.

The Lord is defining who I am, right now. Its not about this or that, it's about who He is calling me to be in this or that.

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