July 11, 2011

"you gotta fight it, suz"

I've find myself in constant conversation with God and myself. Asking God for grace and telling myself to fight that flesh of mine that wants to lash out, run away or fall into the seductive arms of temptation. Its proving to be a challenge, filled with moments of failure and rising once again. Its driving me out of my bed in the morning to listen to what God is saying to me that day in His word. I cling to Him through out the day as I seek to discover what it is He wants for my life. Prayer makes such a big difference in our lives and I'm reminded to keep casting my cares, worries and desires at the foot of the cross, with a heart full of hope. It seems that everyday I have to remind myself that this life is not about me and that perspective is growing within me a wisdom and understanding that comes from Him and Him alone. The dissapointments of semesters past have left me hopeless and frustrated, but with a swift and gentle tug, the Holy Spirit once again reminds me of the truth of the kingdom of the Lord and His will for my life. That I would serve Him and His kingdom all of my days, choosing to give Him the glory and honor no matter where life leads me. What. A. Battle. But if I can choose to wrap my mind around this persective, I will see less dissapointments and more opportunities to trust and obey. Trust that His hand is active in my life and obey when He calls me to take a step.

I am His and He is mine. Forever and always.

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