December 6, 2011


"You have an incredible opportunity, where you are in your classes, to ask questions that push yourself and others to really think about their vocation and how their lives reflect it."
Vocation. Calling. Two words I've been afraid to utter, not really knowing their real implications in my life. Or maybe, knowing their implications and being afraid of them. After expressing tonight to a young couple of faith how the Lord has been transforming me, I felt the flutter of the Holy Spirit in my heart. I was locked into the conversation and my heart was soaring. I walked away with a restful and yet, ambitious spirit. God is moving and He is calling others with this same vision, to live a life intentionally seeking His kingdom here on earth. I realized as I talked about this past summer, how much I treasure the transformation I went through. My heart was touched by the Savior of this world Himself and it was fireworks to my eyes. Tonight I felt it all over again. My cup is overflowing with joy and from that joy, strength to keep pressing on.

I've been walking around this campus all semester, disappointed that I can't seem to articulate what it is that the Lord has changed in me. Desperately wanting someone to have caught the same vision for missions, the same conviction for His harvest. Someone who feels the pulse of our Father's heart for the poor, for His Church and for this world. I've wanted so badly to know that I'm not the only one hungry for community, for authentic relationship with one another and accountability to live in the Spirit, bound by His peace. Who else can empathize with a consuming desire to be walking with Him daily? I've never had such a roaring fire in my soul, pressing me to abandon my desires in exchange for His. I want to follow Him wherever He goes. I want to love who He loves. I want to loose my life for Him.

A silent, but precious praise was lifted up to my Rock tonight, as I realized He is Sovereign and in control of my life. Even though I've fought Him through some recent frustrating and hurtful times. His purpose is far greater then the actual situation. One thing is for sure, He has continued to bring me into relationship with others who cause me to seek, with urgent faith, His will and path for my life. This eternal perspective has freed me to look past, and look forward to what He's doing in and through those relationships. I'm completely free to be joyful in everything and to place my offenses on the alter. He has freed me and made me apart of His redemption and restoration in my life, and the lives around me. He is answering my prayer and making me apart of something beautiful.

Whats your calling? Your vocation? Are you walking in it?

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